package model import ( "time" "" "" "" "" "" ) type GameOrder struct { ID uint `gorm:"primarykey"` CreatedAt time.Time UpdatedAt time.Time UserID uint `gorm:"int; comment:用户ID"` RoomID uint `gorm:"int; comment:房间ID"` RoomType int `gorm:"int; comment:房间类型"` Issue string `gorm:"varchar(40); comment:期号"` OpenNumber string `gorm:"varchar(40); comment:开奖号码"` BaseAmount decimal.Decimal `gorm:"comment:底注金额"` IsDraw int `gorm:"comment:是否开奖, 1: 开奖, 0: 未开奖"` DrawTime *time.Time `gorm:"comment:开奖时间"` IsMaster int `gorm:"comment:抢庄牛牛才有,是否为庄, 1: 庄, 0: 闲"` MasterMul int `gorm:"default:0; comment:抢庄倍数"` Mul int `gorm:"default:1; comment:下注倍数"` IsWin int `gorm:"comment:1: 赢, 2: 输, 3: 退回, 0: 未计算"` WinAmount decimal.Decimal `gorm:"comment:奖金"` BetIP string `gorm:"comment:投注IP"` GameID int `gorm:"int; comment:游戏ID"` BeforeAmount decimal.Decimal `gorm:"comment:投注前金额"` AfterAmount decimal.Decimal `gorm:"comment:投注后金额"` } func (GameOrder) TableName() string { return viper.GetString("table_prefix") + "game_nn" } func (p GameOrder) Init() error { if db.GetDB().Migrator().HasTable(p) { return nil } if err := db.GetDB().Migrator().CreateTable(p); err != nil { return err } return nil } func (p GameOrder) GetOrderListByIssue(issue string) ([]GameOrder, error) { gameID := viper.GetInt32("game_id") resultList := make([]GameOrder, 0) err := db.GetDB().Model(p).Where("issue = ? and game_id = ?", issue, gameID).Scan(&resultList).Error if err != nil { logrus.Error(err) return nil, err } return resultList, nil } func (p GameOrder) GetUnDrawOrderByIssue(issue string) ([]GameOrder, error) { gameID := viper.GetInt32("game_id") gameOrderModelList := make([]GameOrder, 0) err := db.GetDB().Model(p).Where("is_draw = ? and issue = ? and game_id = ?", 0, issue, gameID).Scan(&gameOrderModelList).Error if err != nil { logrus.Error(err) return nil, err } return gameOrderModelList, nil } func (p GameOrder) GetUserOrderListOpenedByIssue(issue string) ([]GameOrder, error) { gameID := viper.GetInt32("game_id") gameOrderModelList := make([]GameOrder, 0) err := db.GetDB().Model(p).Where("is_draw = 1 and issue = ? and game_id = ?", issue, gameID). Scan(&gameOrderModelList).Error if err != nil { logrus.Error(err) return nil, err } return gameOrderModelList, nil } func (p GameOrder) GetUserBetAmountByNumber(tx *gorm.DB, userID uint32, issue string, playType, pos, number string) (string, error) { var err error gameID := viper.GetInt32("game_id") type Info struct { UserID int Total decimal.Decimal } infoModel := Info{} err = tx.Model(p).Where("issue = ? and user_id = ? and play_type = ? and pos = ? and number = ? and game_id = ?", issue, userID, playType, pos, number, gameID). Select("user_id, sum(amount) as total"). First(&infoModel). Error if err != nil { logrus.Error(err) return "", nil } return infoModel.Total.StringFixed(2), nil } func (p GameOrder) GetUserBetCount(userID uint32, issue string, playType, pos string) (int, error) { var err error gameID := viper.GetInt32("game_id") type Info struct { Total int } infoModel := Info{} err = db.GetDB().Model(p).Where("issue = ? and user_id = ? and play_type = ? and pos = ? and game_id = ?", issue, userID, playType, pos, gameID). Select("count(*) as total"). First(&infoModel). Error if err != nil { logrus.Error(err) return 0, nil } return infoModel.Total, nil } func (p GameOrder) GetUserBetCountByTx(tx *gorm.DB, userID uint32, issue string, playType, pos string) (int, error) { var err error gameID := viper.GetInt32("game_id") type Info struct { Total int } infoModel := Info{} err = tx.Model(p).Where("issue = ? and user_id = ? and play_type = ? and pos = ? and game_id = ?", issue, userID, playType, pos, gameID). Select("count(*) as total"). First(&infoModel). Error if err != nil { logrus.Error(err) return 0, nil } return infoModel.Total, nil } //投注了多个号码 func (p GameOrder) GetUserBetTypeCountByTx(tx *gorm.DB, userID uint32, issue string, playType string) (int, error) { var err error gameID := viper.GetInt32("game_id") type Info struct { Total int } infoModel := Info{} err = tx.Model(p).Where("issue = ? and user_id = ? and play_type = ? and game_id = ?", issue, userID, playType, gameID). Select("count(DISTINCT number) as total"). First(&infoModel). Error if err != nil { logrus.Error(err) return 0, nil } return infoModel.Total, nil } func (p GameOrder) GetListByIssue(issueStr string, userID int32) ([]GameOrder, error) { gameID := viper.GetInt32("game_id") gameOrderModelList := make([]GameOrder, 0) err := db.GetDB().Model(p).Where("issue = ? and user_id = ? and game_id = ?", issueStr, userID, gameID). Scan(&gameOrderModelList).Error return gameOrderModelList, err } func (p GameOrder) SetNewOdd(id uint, newOdd float64) error { err := db.GetDB().Model(p).Where("id = ?", id).Update("odds", newOdd).Error if err != nil { logrus.Error(err) return err } return err }